Massage, mask, natural and proper nutrition guard our youth

Massage, mask, natural and proper nutrition guard our youth
 Face as a mirror of our way of life, reflects all that happens to us. As much as we might wish to be young forever, sooner or later there comes a time when skin care should be given more attention than usual. Longer-lasting youthful face and prevent wrinkles, you need a comprehensive approach that includes and proper nutrition, and good sleep, and sports, and special care products for mature skin. But first things first.
 Cosmetologists believe that after 25-30 years, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and without regular maintenance loses its tone, which causes the appearance of wrinkles. One of the most effective treatments that can help slow down the process is the massage. It there are so many varieties, from stone therapy to vacuum and massage with herbal bags. But at the heart of each are a few key manipulation.

Plastic massage is good for thin skin, prone to the appearance of pigment spots and fine lines. It can be done without creams and oils springy rhythmic movements. Plucking massage is also quite effective, but they can not be abused. Slack tweaks should alternate with gentle movements. Classic massage involves rubbing and stroking the lungs using the cream. Facial massage is recommended to start from the forehead and ends in the neck area. Before the procedure, a person is better to steam or at least warm up, after washing with warm water and apply a cream that suits the type of skin.

With great care is necessary to massage century, however, even this can not be called a massage - the area around the eyes is very delicate, so you should only use a special tool, gently hammering his ring finger. To be most effective, you can use a natural gel Crystal Youth brand DeSheli with soy protein - it does not contain flavors and perfectly retains moisture in the skin.

Oatmeal, cucumber slices, coffee grounds, strawberry puree - it is no secret that the natural mask is not just a "delicious", but also useful. Used as a basis for the mask can and berries, and fruits and even vegetables. Cucumber wheels can be applied on the eyelids or in the neck - a refreshing cucumber juice cleanses and tightens. Tomatoes effectively exfoliate as they contain natural acids. Grapes perfectly moisturizes, just do not forget that the grape juice 15 minutes after application it is recommended to wash off. Bananas are perfectly smooth skin. Suitable for peeling apples and pears - for cleaning and then narrowing.

Especially valuable for young skin is considered grape juice - it prevents aging, as it promotes the production of collagen. It keeps the skin collagen and elastic, and hence prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Many manufacturers offer a variety of anti-aging cosmetics moisturizing and feeding means, but truly effective are those that contain collagen. Collagen serum Israeli company DeSheli enriched with natural ingredients for cell regeneration and restore skin structure.

Also prized medicinal mud masks for their naturalness - their mineral composition contains everything you need for skin. However, they should be careful - not every tool can be effective. Considered highly effective mask with Dead Sea mud with fitobiotika, which is responsible for cleansing the pores and helps to reduce inflammation. Such components in the ideal ratio is in the mud mask DeSheli skin after 35 years. It perfectly cleanses, tightens and brightens the skin a little. Apply it should be 10-15 minutes (of course, avoiding the area around the eyes, lips and areas of vascular mesh) and after drying rinse with warm water. This mask is applied twice a week, maintains the skin in good shape and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Of course, one can not underestimate the importance of sleep and a healthy diet - is our main source of young individuals. The more you "load the" lack of sleep the body and harmful products, the faster you will lose shape. Nutritionists recommend eating more fruits and vegetables - they are quickly absorbed and excreted without delaying the harmful substances, while heavy for digestion products, while in the stomach for a long time, begin to poison our body toxins.

Of course, the first wrinkles - it does not necessarily measure the age, but first and foremost indicator of our lifestyle. The more stress, emotions, lack of sleep, alcohol, poor diet and the negative environmental impact, the faster our body loses its tone - and it's always very noticeable. Advice youth - a comprehensive approach and the correct way of life in general, not specifically.

Tags: dirt, drying, antiage