Hydrotherapy: ice and Beauty

Hydrotherapy: ice and Beauty
 In search of the secret of eternal youth, French scientists have concluded that the glacial water rejuvenates the skin. More of our grandmothers knew that using ice can significantly rejuvenate the skin. In our time this method is called hydrotherapy. What is it and why hydrotherapy has become so popular?

What is hydrotherapy?

Literally translated, the word means "water treatment". The founder of hydrotherapy believe German doctor, pastor Sebastian Kneipp. In fact, he just systematized knowledge healers of Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, India and systematized them, turning it into a system of training and hardening of the body.

Hydrotherapy - a great tool. Which will help to overcome fatigue and stress. Improve blood circulation, adjust the figure, improve overall health. Just great to smooth out fine wrinkles, making the skin more elastic and young.

Hydrotherapy is shown, if you have a poor metabolism, were any injuries of the musculoskeletal system, there are gynecological diseases. The best effect of treatment with ice are available in spring and autumn, when the body is restructuring.

Due to which the skin becomes younger and more beautiful? Ice can have a stimulating effect or calming. First, surface blood vessels constrict, the temperature of the skin drops, thereby increasing blood flow to the vessels which are located deeper. Once the ice is no longer contact with the skin - the outflow of blood vessels and is back again expanding.

The warm water helps to relax. When exposed to heat, there is a relaxation of muscles, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and waste output much faster. If your body to work alternately warm, then cold blood in problem areas will begin to circulate faster, toxins will come out, and the body's ability to restore much increase. Hydrotherapy ice can help relieve pain, because the cold reduces the ability of the nerves to transmit pain impulses to the brain.

If you decide to enjoy a hydrotherapy ice - you need to take with washable slippers, swimsuit, cap and towel. After the procedure will not take your time. Relax in a chair or on the couch. Relax and feel relaxed in your body there is life energy. After a rest, drink a cup of mineral water without gas, green tea or herbal decoction. Duration hydrotherapy circuit 10 to 20 minutes. Note that hydrotherapy is carried out only after an hour or 2 hours after a meal. As with any other procedure in hydrotherapy have contraindications. It is impossible to carry out procedures for pregnant women, if there is liver disease, kidney disease, malignant and benign tumors, heart irregularities. Just when severe lesions of the skin, mental disorders, at any diseases during their exacerbation.

Tags: skin, beauty, Leda