How to massage your shoulders

How to massage your shoulders
 Massage can be a means of healing and prevention, so that it is actively used as a treatment as well as in sports practice. But the best results after the event can be expected only in the case if it is carried out correctly.
 Shoulder massage can have a large number of indications for. For example, it may be a physical fatigue after high stress, recovery from injuries of bones and muscles, certain vascular disease. Shoulder massage is very important also because the shoulder is strongly correlated with the blood supply to the hands.

There are certain rules that must be followed in carrying out any of massage, including shoulders. First of all, necessary to alternate the strengths and weaknesses of techniques, each of which can carry with no more than 8 times. It is necessary to make sure that when the powerful techniques of the patient did not appear sharp pain. All the tricks you need to perform close to the lymph nodes - in the course of lymphatics (nodes themselves can not be massaged). In the case of the shoulder area should be from the elbow toward the axilla.

As regards the position of the patient, it largely depends on whether you are partial massage the area or full. So, for example, if the therapist and the patient will stand face to face, then the best option - if the patient's arm is wound behind his back. If massage is done behind - then the patient needs to put his hand on the shoulder of the other hand, if there is a need to massage the lower part - will be more convenient if the patient's arm will be placed on the shoulder of the person who will perform the manipulation.

To carry out this procedure is standing on the shoulder muscles are relaxed. If massaged will be only one part of it - it is first necessary to perform massage the entire hand. If shoulder massage - full, you need to knead the whole shoulder girdle without affecting only the area of ​​the inner cavities of the biceps.

When massaging the shoulder and forearm observe the following sequence: first, held stroking, squeezing and kneading then (it should be done separately for the biceps and triceps), then the muscles you need to grind and finish stroking session. It is important to remember that when the kneading can be activated only phalanx or fingertips.

Tags: massage area movement