How to cook softwood bath

How to cook softwood bath
 Pine baths are very useful for health. With their help, you can clear the upper respiratory tract, to tone the skin, enhance immunity, improve the central nervous system. Cook therapeutic bath at home in several ways.
 Pine extract is sold in pharmacies or in specialized cosmetic stores. It can be in tablets, vials or compressed into briquettes. How to use pine extract bath, usually written on the packaging. 2-3 tablets usually necessary or 100 ml of liquid agent.

If you want to use the coniferous aromatic oil, it is possible to simply add a few drops of it (10-12), but such baths useful in the respiratory tract, the skin effect will not be provided.

You can also cook softwood bath with sea salt, this means also sold in pharmacies and stores. The benefit of it is twofold: salt cleanses the skin, and needles tones and makes more smooth.

If you prefer all-natural means, then you can prepare the broth and add it to the bath. Take the needles of spruce, pine, fir or cedar, cover with cold water and boil for 20 minutes. Broth leave to infuse for 12 hours, pour into a bottle and use as an extract. Broth should have a rich brown color, and the water in your bath should be a greenish-yellow.

The water temperature should be 36-37 degrees. During the procedure, it is necessary to completely relax. Take a bath should be no more than 15-20 minutes, and if you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, it will reduce the time to 10 minutes. Pine bath is a serious burden on the body, and do not abuse this pleasant procedure. Be sure to bring hours, or ask relatives to let you know when will the 15 minutes.

The bath should be taken no later than one hour before bedtime, it is not recommended to do it on an empty stomach or after eating. It is best to take a course of 10-12 procedures, then you must take a break for at least six months.

Tags: domestic, condition, bath, the procedure adopted