Home spa treatments - it's easy and inexpensive!

Home spa treatments - it's easy and inexpensive!
 Spa, opening today everywhere are becoming more and more popular among modern women. However, the cost of these services is quite high salons, and regularly visit them, unfortunately, not everyone can afford one of us. But spa treatments - is not a whim thirsty attention of the opposite sex coquette. This, above all, an excellent means of restoring mental health, so fragile in these troubled times, and a way to maintain good physical shape. Therefore, they need almost every woman, dedicated to the preservation of internal balance and full compliance with the untimely. And in order to get a session of such procedures, it is not necessary to go to an expensive salon - it is quite possible to spend at home. For information on how to arrange a spa at home, receiving a maximum of pleasure at the lowest cost, said today its readers female online magazine JustLady. 

Spa at home. Features

HOME SPA - procedures - This is a wonderful option of complete relaxation in the most usual situation for us. What could be nicer than to detail the familiar surroundings, among which always feel relaxed and peacefully? Such a possibility of inner freedom and physical comfort can not, perhaps, provide no spa salon ...

Of course, to the effect of the domestic session has surpassed all expectations, above all, you must create an appropriate atmosphere of serene tranquility. We will try to make us absolutely nothing disturbed: no extraneous sounds and smells, no demands close as quickly as possible to release the bathroom, no easy raskardash in this room. Therefore, we choose toSpa at home time free from household chores and give the bathroom in order: throw away from it all unnecessary, hang clean towels, we arrange candles and create a fragrance with any aromatic oil, a few drops of which, with the lack of oil burner, you can drip into the funnel candles. At the same time trying to create in the room closest to the natural interior to include some natural elements: flowers, stones, branches, and so on. Buy all this can be for cosmetic shops offering a complete set today forSpa at home. Such kits include sea salt, aromatic oils, natural sponges, algae, lighting candles and other attributes of the heavenly moments.

Once everything is in place, turn quietly relaxing music, forget for a while about all the problems and proceed to the next stage of priest - direct reception of spa treatments.

Home spa treatments - it's easy and inexpensive!

Home spa treatments

To performSpa at homeWe, of course, first of all, need a special bath. We print it with warm water and add this water sea salt or algae. Then poured into a half-liter bath of milk or cream with divorced aromatic oils in them. The composition of oils, you can create what you want. For example, to reduce weight suitable combination of drops of oil of cypress and rosemary oil, ginger oil, and oil of juniper and mint. And for the restoration of health and strength after illness can apply the composition of the oil of bergamot, geranium and grapefruit, or use a combination of oils of rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender, mint and cinnamon.

Before you dive into the bath, you need to take a shower and put on face and hair any mask. Then lowered into the bath and enjoying life, hold it for twenty minutes. Then wash off with face and hair masks, leave the bath and steamed to make peeling the skin of the body. As scrub it can be used powdered oatmeal or at a reduced sensitivity of the skin, coffee grounds with salt. Finish peeling, rinsed under a shower, wipes and proceed to the next stage spa session - massage.

Home spa treatments - it's easy and inexpensive!

Originally do foot massage that starts with stroking and rubbing ankle, then climb to the lower third of the thigh, and then rub the palms of caviar. We use the antiseptic and nourishing cream and other tools designed to combat cellulite and strengthen blood vessels. Carefully mash palms feet and toes, put on body massage oil, and go to his massage. Oil can prepare a mixture of one egg, a teaspoon of honey, half a glass of olive oil, half a glass of milk and two teaspoons of shampoo. After a general massage to wash in the shower, wrapped in a large towel or bathrobe and go to rest. All of these procedures can be nice to finish a cup of green tea, vitamin cocktail or a glass of mineral water.

So, as we have seen, the sessionSpa at home available to each of us. The main thing - to choose for a good time, completely disconnected from the outside world and spend a couple of hours only yourself and your body. Should not deprive yourself of this pleasure, because the outcome of the spa house is the inner balance and physical health, promote the harmony of the outside world. And this is - the key to successful resolution of many of life's problems.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady