Home SPA: deep cleansing and moisturizing

Home SPA: deep cleansing and moisturizing
 To improve the skin and complexion, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon. Deep cleansing and moisturizing can be achieved and at home, and the result is stunning.

SPA-procedures in the home consists of two stages and carry them need one or two times a week. This requires only two tools.

Deep cleansing

This stage will require a mask for deep cleansing. It is desirable that this facility had a total clay, as it has the property clean, bleach and tone the skin, and it's great fights inflammation, being a natural antiseptic.

Apply the mask must be thick and even layer, avoiding the eye area. Particular attention should be paid to the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin).

Using a mask of clay, we must remember that it tends to dry up. Therefore it is recommended to use a moisturizer spray or thermal water.


At this stage it is necessary to use a mask for deep moisturizing. This tool contains in its structure a variety of vitamins and trace elements that feed the skin.

Hydrating mask should be applied massaging movements, activating effect of useful components. After some time, the instructions on the mask should be washed off.

How to choose a mask for home SPA

Choose a mask for deep cleansing is necessary according to the type of your skin, as different types of clays have different properties. Thus, the blue clay perfectly smoothes fine lines and effective in the fight against acne, white - removes manifestation of allergy, calming the skin, red - functions scrubs, removing the top layer of the epidermis, green clay - tightens pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands and reduces swelling, yellow - removes harmful toxins.

Masks used for the first time, first you'd better buy a small probe to make sure that they are suitable for you. And only if the result you want, you can buy a tool in a large container.

Tags: skin cleansing procedure, spa, moisturizing, spa