Creole massage with bamboo sticks: performance technique

Creole massage with bamboo sticks: performance technique
 Exotic and original type of massage is considered relatively new to the residents of the European continent, but on the islands of the Indian Ocean, it is used since ancient times. The key difference from the traditional types of massage - using bamboo sticks.
 The main effect of massage Creole - contraction and expansion of blood vessels, which can be controlled by strengthening or weakening the force of impact, the duration of touch, massage tempo, etc. Creole massage solves the problem of fatigue, stress, nervous stress, obesity, metabolic disorders and blood circulation.

During the session Creole massage you will not feel any painful or unpleasant sensations, and the procedure is about an hour.

Basic tools Creole massage - two hollow bamboo sticks of different diameters, one of which is filled with grain or sand (for sound effects). Leather pre-lubricated with various oils, and a specialist to begin studying the tissues.

Warming up the muscles made using sticks - it masseur leads the body, strengthening and weakening pressure. This is followed by rhythmic blows to the body (100-120 beats per minute) that requires great skill. To make the movement a certain rhythm, the room sounds appropriate music. Vibration that occurs when the body is exposed to chopsticks on a tangent, promotes deep study of the active zones. Sticks screwed into the body is pushed, rolled and commit all sorts of movements that contribute to exploring deep muscle, blood vessels, and deep layers. During the session, the therapist uses all aspects of bamboo sticks, which increases the efficiency of the procedure - bamboo is very flexible and durable, so as a massage tool is ideal. In this case, for the manufacture of high-quality massage sticks are not suitable for all kinds of bamboo.

Energy component Creole massage is to open the channels of energy - sticks "enliven" biologically active points and start the flow of energy in the right direction.

The effectiveness is improved if taken before the massage hydrotherapy - wash in the bath or rinse your body in the shower, take a dip in the pool. And after the session beneficial effect wraps, clay and nourishing masks increases twice. Creole massage often combined with other types of massage that provides complete elaboration of the entire body.

Tags: stick, massage session, the technician