Benefits and harms of baths

Benefits and harms of baths
 The cult of the bath has been known since ancient times. In the Roman Empire for many centuries there were the so-called original terms baths, in which the Romans not only washed, but performed almost most of his life. Veneration of the bath is inherent to our time. And this is no accident. After room really has a lot of advantages.

During a visit to the sauna, especially systematic, the human body is cleaned much better than by simply taking a shower. No wonder they say that the bath clean. This effect gives it to the body under the influence of high temperatures, steam and water. A broom - effective massage tool. If the honey, various body scrubs and moisturizing oil, the effect is enhanced by several times.

But the dignity of the bath is not just about cleansing the body. Seen helps correct for the treatment of various diseases of female and inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. Bath helps to normalize the urine. However, before we get rid of these existing problems through a bath, you should always consult with an appropriate medical specialist. After bath carries not only a great benefit, but also happens in some cases, dangerous, and, accordingly, is contraindicated.

Disadvantages baths are in the same high temperatures it. For example, people suffering from hyper- or hypotension, cardiovascular disease, sauna categorically contraindicated. Also in the bath can not walk at all sorts of bleeding, burns, available at many male diseases related to reproduction.

Moreover, for any campaign in healthy human bath must be associated with a number of limitations. Before you go there, not recommended to eat fatty foods, but you can not go there starving. Alcohol is permitted only after a bath, and not before or during.

Also sauna, especially hot, absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women.

If you observe the above rules and recommendations, the room will definitely bring more good than harm. However, even healthy people before maintaining vitality carried away by a bath, it is advisable to consult a therapist, so that instead of benefit and enjoyment does not harm their health.

Tags: Russian, benefits, lack, Russian, harm the dignity