Bath massage

Bath massage
 The effect of massage designed to relax and tone the muscles, repeated efforts, if combined with massage bath procedures. Any warm bath helps the body and prepare it for the massage treatments. For Russian steam bath, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam has long has its own massage techniques - Russian broomcorn and honey, Turkish soap and even Japanese using brooms bamboo sticks.

Many massage therapists use their copyrights technology, but they are all based on the use of techniques such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, tingling, squeezing and vibration. All techniques must alternate with stroking. But this technique with proper sauna massage must be removed no more than 10% of the time massaging.

The main time - about 50% should take kneading. All other methods are preparatory for him. Adoption procedure of bath and preheating muscles under the influence of steam and heat, greatly facilitate the work of the masseur. The patient's body is almost ready to massage and perfectly absorbs fragrant oil.

Stroking is intended to establish contact and promotes relaxation. During a massage therapist evaluates the tone and mobility of tissue is an individual plan of massage. Rubbing prepares the body warms up the muscles.

When kneading the muscles massaged and eliminated pockets of hypertonus. Sometimes kneading can cause pain, but if the massage is performed after bath treatment, pain fails to significantly reduce.

Or receiving a squeezing, massage therapist stretches the muscles, bringing them out of the waste products of metabolism and lactic acid. Open pores after the bath is very conducive to getting rid of toxins and metabolic products found. Vibration normal muscle tone - relax or, conversely, toning different muscle groups. Closing stroking calms and relaxes the body and allows tactile massage therapist to evaluate their work.

Using brooms or other devices for bath massage helps to enhance the action of the techniques that the therapist will use during the procedure.

Tags: muscle massage, intake, the body