SPA-hand care at home

SPA- ?
 Smooth and delicate hand skin due exclusively home care - does it really? Is it possible to do without a hike in the area, and expensive creams? You can, if you regularly indulge their hands SPA-care, which at home will give your skin a well-groomed appearance and silky.

Skin cleansing

Start SPA-procedures with peeling dead skin cells. This will allow your pens remain soft and gentle and without leaving the salon.

Dissolve sea salt in hot water in this bath lower hands for ten minutes. Relax, let grooming gives you only pleasure. To SPA-hand care at home was not worse than in the SPA-center, add the water aromatic oils and rose petals.

To exfoliate pour warm milk oatmeal, apply this mixture on your hands, wear warm gloves and leave the mask on for ten minutes. Rinse with water, gently massaging the skin of your hands in a circular motion, paying attention to every finger.

In a mixture of milk and oatmeal you can add honey, sugar or cream. Can do a cleansing mask of clay or use ready for peeling composition, for example, on the basis of therapeutic muds.

Nutrition and hydration

Continue SPA-hand care at home by applying nourishing mask. For its preparation does not need any exotic ingredients, it is enough that you can find in the refrigerator. Take sour cream or cream, add the paste of any fruit, apply the mixture on your hands, leave on for twenty minutes, rinse thoroughly with water.

Excellent moisturize the skin of your hands, giving it a smooth and soft oil bath for hands. Half a cup of olive or peach oil heat in a water bath, keep your hands warm oil at least fifteen minutes, blot with a tissue. Adding the oil a few drops of iodine or vitamin A, you will not only soften the skin, but also to strengthen nails.

Completion of the SPA-procedures

After softening the skin treat cuticles, gently pushing her wand from an orange tree. Massage movements put on the skin of the hand cream or gel with a pleasant smell and can enjoy the smoothness and tenderness of your knobs achieved at virtually no cost.

Spend SPA-hand care at home once a week, soon your pens will delight you with a sleek look, well-groomed and beautiful skin.

Tags: condition, the hand, the procedure, pets, skin, spa, care