Seaweed wraps at home

Seaweed wraps at home
 To get rid of extra inches, make the skin firmer, reduce the appearance of cellulite - all this can be achieved through seaweed wraps. No money for a visit to the beauty salon? This procedure can be carried out at home. The result certainly exceed all your expectations!
 Seaweed is rich in nutrients. They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, a number of micro and macronutrients, vitamins, almost all groups, as well as iodine. During the procedure, accelerates the recovery processes, blood circulation and metabolism, toxins. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic, supple, hateful dimples on thighs and buttocks practically disappear.

However, there are some contraindications for seaweed wraps: diseases of internal organs, including gynecological, varicose veins, the possibility of an allergic reaction to any component wraps. It is not necessary to carry out the procedure if you do not feel very well, such as fever or dizzy. Discard the wraps and during pregnancy. In any case, before you begin the course at home, it is best to consult a doctor or a beautician.

Wrapping is used mainly focus and kelp. This algae can be found in virtually every pharmacy, they are sold in dry form. Prepare a composition for the procedure is a snap: 2-3 tablespoons seaweed pour 500-700 ml of hot water (but not boiling). Then insist sea "cocktail" for half an hour.

Prepare your body for the procedure using the peel. Thanks to him, the pores will be cleared, and hence the nutrients quickly penetrate into the skin. Then apply the mixture on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, wrap problem areas of special or ordinary plastic wrap. Wear warm clothing, a blanket and take cover next 40-60 minutes dedicate blissful relaxing on the couch. Once you remove the tape and wash away algae, do not forget to put on a body cellulite or nourishing cream. A second procedure may be carried out in a day.

Tags: domestic condition, cellulitis property wrap