Salt room: sylvinite salt chamber Beauty

Salt room: sylvinite salt chamber Beauty
 Sylvinite salt chamber - a synthetic analogue of the natural salt caves. Finding it is prescribed to achieve therapeutic and cosmetic result.

The walls, floor and ceiling "salt room" made of sylvite - special material produced in the Urals. It consists of the sodium salts of bromine, potassium, calcium, magnesium and more than 25 different mineral inclusions. This material is formed from the remains of the ancient Perm Sea that existed millions of years ago.

The air in the chamber is filled with various silvinitvoy healthful ions cleansed of harmful contaminants and contains a very small amount of bacteria. In addition, all of these ions are not allergens, so for people with allergies, stay in speleological chamber not only not harmful, but also good for the body. Being in the "salt room" for some time allow slow vegetative reactions of the human body, and thus reduce the activity at the time of the aging process and normalize metabolism.

Stay in speleological chamber is improving medical procedure that is assigned to the following diseases of the respiratory system: asthma, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and other. In addition to the respiratory system, salt chamber normalizes the digestive tract, so it is prescribed to patients with duodenal ulcer and stomach, colitis and gastritis. In general, even healthy people salt chamber will bring a lot of benefits: improved blood circulation and blood vessels, raises the general tone of the body, the dream becomes a deep and strong.

However, there are some contraindications, as the ion impact is strong enough. Do not appoint stay in speleological chamber pregnant at all time to prevent unnecessary load on the kidneys and lungs, persons suffering from any disease in the acute form, and contraindications are blood diseases, tuberculosis, at any stage of development, and disease of the mind.

Tags: beauty room, cave, treatment, salt chamber