Salt foot bath

Salt foot bath
 Female legs much gets - constant load heels. But remember them girls infrequently, more attention is paid to the face and figure. Remedy the situation quickly help salt foot bath.
 If lately you suffer from increased foot fatigue, pain in the feet, discomfort, take baths every day. After a while you feel that you have become less tired, and the pain is gone.

Keep your feet in the bath should be 7-9 minutes, than it is not worth the time. Salt bath can give very different effect, so their contents depends on what result you want.

At the first sign of a cold, there will be such good bath. Take the needles (in the form of oil or extract), add three tablespoons of sea salt dessert. Cover with water. The temperature should be pleasant for the feet - not cold, but not too hot.

Just make a tray of tired legs. Two small handfuls of salt dissolve in warm water. After the adoption apply to his feet nourishing cream or cream from swelling and fatigue.

Helps relieve fatigue and bath with essential oils. Choose what you like - mint, rosemary, pine. Any oil known tonic properties, fine. In water with salt just enough to drip a few drops of oil. Such procedures will freshen feet, give a sense of power and save the unpleasant odor.

Salt foot bath and help from excessive sweating. Take a basin of warm water and dissolve the salt there are two guests (can be used as a cookbook, and marine). Keep the legs in the water for ten minutes. Once put on the foot cream light texture, rich cream you will not do.

To get rid of edema, take a bath with salt. Fill the bathtub with warm water, add back about 70 grams of salt and plunge to his chest. Note that salt baths can increase the pressure, so if you have a tendency to burst pressure, makes the procedure no longer than 5 minutes. Usually, however, the adoption of a salt bath lasts about 20 minutes. After necessarily stand under a shower to wash off the salt body.

Remember that small wounds on the body in contact with the salt will strongly pinching. Therefore, if any, from the salt baths should be avoided for some time.

Tags: foot bath, fatigue, bath