Refreshing, moisturizing and firming bath body

Refreshing, moisturizing and firming bath body
 Long working day is over. Upon returning home, fatigue does not allow you to do household chores, take time for children and even just relax. Need to cheer up a little. This can help you a refreshing bath. Bath not only refresh you, but also give moisturizing and nourishing your skin, which she lost after a long day of work. If your work day does not begin at 6 am, and much later, you can take a refreshing bath in the morning.

Give a truly invigorating refreshment can bubble bath. If the foam you add a drop of your favorite perfume, you provided a real spa treatment. Freshen up before the evening visit to help with bath infusion of verbena and dark honey. Preparation does not take five minutes. Dry grass, pre-purchased at the pharmacy, brew boiling water - 30 g herb in 1 liter of water, the same amount of honey dissolve in the already cooled down flooring. Pour into the bath and enjoy. Verbena can be replaced with sage, juniper, simple pharmacy chamomile.

In the summer especially nice refreshing bath with mint. For its preparation is recommended bunch of fresh mint brewed in boiling water in a small saucepan. The resulting broth can be poured into the tub with warm water. Cheerfulness and energy is provided to the end of the day. It is best to take a bath in the morning.

Regular taking baths not only provides a refreshing effect, but also deep hydration. Application of Soft Body Lotion after bath makes the skin beautiful, unusually soft and silky. Any cream is enriched for a few seconds when you add a drop or two of essential oil. Will fit almost any oil. Preference is given fruity, floral. All oil has a pleasant aroma. Patchouli, orange, rose, ylang-ylang, jojoba - the choice is huge. Oil can be added directly to the bath. Turning moisturizing, refreshing bath in the nutrient.

Deeply nourishing and invigorating bath has always been considered Cleopatra bath. In a liter of warm milk, dissolve 100 g of honey, pour the mixture into a warm bath. The procedure lasts 20 minutes. Your skin will be silky after the first procedure.

Cleansing bath is shown to people with skin problems. Remove small pimples and accelerate the healing of minor abrasions on the body, you can use baths with nettle and marigold. These herbs previously brewed in boiling water, the infusion was added to the bath, which is allowed to take no more than 15 minutes.

Tags: bath, body