Ozone Therapy: harm or benefit

Ozone Therapy: harm or benefit
 Ozone - a gas with unique properties. It is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology. By using a variety of ozone treated disease eliminate cosmetic defects and many struggle with aging. Should immediately say that thanks to the amazing quality and the almost complete absence of side effects to apply ozone not only not harmful, and very, very helpful. What problems can be solved with the help of ozone therapy?

Ozone therapy has a beneficial effect on the immune system, fights bacteria and viruses, winning all sorts of inflammation, gives an analgesic effect. That's why doctors have recently considered ozone treatment as a serious alternative to antibiotics. The fact that viruses and bacteria have mutated and now to deal with them all the required large doses of antibiotics, which leads to unpleasant side effects - the elimination of beneficial microflora, reduced immunity. Ozone is the same - it is much more gentle method than medication. It is used for herpes, thrush, chlamydia, tsitamegaloviruse, urethritis, adnexitis and cervical erosion.

Ozone therapy is used in almost all branches of medicine - not only Gynecology and Urology, but also in cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neurology and ophthalmology. Ozone treat sores and pressure sores, burns and sores. After all this stuff heals wounds and removes inflammation and kills bacteria.

Ozone enriched water and allow the water to drink sick ulcer and gastritis. Administering to the ozonated blood increases immunity and helps to cope with asthma and other respiratory diseases. Ozone therapy is prescribed for arthritis and arthrosis, ozone mixture is removed spider veins - without scarring and relapse.

But the most widely used ozone in cosmetology. Ozone therapy - a great tool for getting rid of acne, stretch marks and skin blemishes. After ozone improves metabolic processes, smoothes connective tissue at the site of scarring. In addition, ozone helps to improve microcirculation in the skin and subcutaneous fat. Therefore it so successfully used in the treatment of cellulite.

Ozone perfectly corrects age defects. He removes minor age and facial wrinkles, puffiness, bags under the eyes, improves the complexion. Usually all beauty treatments using ozone makes the course. They are shown at any age, even the very young. Ozone can also be used during pregnancy because modern equipment is designed in such a way that all the possible side effects are reduced substantially to zero. After injection of ozone may experience slight redness and pain in the injections. They go through 1-2 days.

Ozone therapy is not appointed at a reduced blood clotting, the presence of internal bleeding, susceptibility to seizures, hyperthyroidism, hemorrhagic stroke, acute intoxication, thrombocytopenia, as well as allergies to ozone (which, however, is quite rare).

Tags: the benefits, harm, treatment, cosmetology, ozone, ozone therapy