Massaging foot bath

Massaging foot bath
 Foot massage - an effective means of getting rid of fatigue, as it is located at the foot nerve endings, the impact of which has beneficial effects on the entire body. Foot massagers - the optimal solution for a massage at home.
 The effectiveness of the massage bath caused special massage nozzles and operating modes. To begin with massage treatments enough to pour water in the tub, dipped in her legs and set the desired program.

Massage can be carried out air bubbles and thin jets of water gushing under pressure. In this case, you can use the hot and warm or cool water. Hot water is used for relaxation and warm feet when the threat of colds. Warm - has an invigorating effect, while its temperature should be slightly higher than 36 ° C. Cool baths are useful in extreme fatigue and sweating feet. In most cases provided by the manufacturer to maintain the desired water temperature by using a heating element embedded. However, in low-cost models of massage baths it can not be offset by good heat-carrying properties of the product's enclosure.

In addition to the relaxing effect, whirlpool baths have therapeutic benefit in diseases such as varicose veins and foot fungus. Of course, before you treat the disease with the help of massage, you should consult with your doctor.

More expensive trays can be used for cosmetic purposes. To do this, complete with bathroom comes with a special brush and pumice. In some models can be built peeling bars located in the middle pan. They are called static scrapers. Also, there are hot baths with moving scrapers with a removable set of nozzles.

During hydromassage various substances can be used in the form of salts and essential oils. They enhance the relaxing or invigorating effect, depending on whether hot or cool water is used during the procedure.

Using a hot foot bath every night will make you fitter and healthier, because it is - a small resort and spa at home.

Tags: foot massage, bath