Massage with herbal bags

Massage with herbal bags
 A lot said and written about the benefits of massage. There are many, both ancient and most modern techniques of this healing art. Women's magazine JustLady will introduce you to another truly unique technique called massage with herbal bags. What is unusual in this technique? The fact that Thai massage Tai Ji (massage with herbal bags) combines acupuncture massage, aromatherapy, warming of biologically active points and even yoga.

In fact, this point massage, but he was not satisfied with your fingers or wrist, and special linen bags filled with fragrant herbs and pre-warm up.

Massage with herbal bags: use

This technique is especially relevant for those who touch to the bioactive points causes pain and discomfort.Massage with herbal bags indicated for stress and nervous disorders, soreness and muscle tension. Movement masseur stretch and relax the muscles, hot grass isolated essential oils are absorbed by the skin and have a general relaxing, restorative effect.

Massage with herbal bags strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of colds during the cold season, improves metabolism, activates processes in the subcutaneous fat layer.

Herbs in turn help to improve the condition of the skin, the removal of toxins from the body, get rid of the swelling and fluid retention in the body. After the massage, herbal bags getting better activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, improves blood circulation, the skin is cleansed from dead cells.

This massage is very useful as an adjunct in the treatment of pain in the joints and spine, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system (if diseases are advised to consult a doctor).

Massage with herbal bags

Massage with herbal bags: Methodology

Now a few words about the methodology ofmassage with herbal bags. In the salons where the procedure is performed masters such specially trained massage, pre-made full body massage by Thai technique.

Then, when your body is already relaxed and rested, it takes to warm up to a certain temperature bags.

Processed first limb, taking fatigue and tension that still remain in the muscles. Then, hot bags are moved to the back, where he also carefully processed each site.

After that, you will be offered to turn over on his back, and healing effect undergo stomach and chest. Masseurs the Seventeenth every inch of skin, every organ of your body. The aroma of hot herbs enhance the pleasant feelings and a sense of relaxation and rest.

After the massage, you will need some time to rest and recover. Offers a comfortable easy chair and fragrant tea. Relaxing and enjoying a drink, you will feel how the body is filled with renewed vigor, lungs breathe freely, clarifies thoughts.

Herbal bags massage

Separately want to talk about magicherbal bags massage. Most often they are used only once, because they remain deflated epidermis particles of fat and sweat discharged from the body during a massage.

Not all bags are the same. They are made for the effects of different sizes into different zones.
Specially selected and herbs that fill the bags for massage.

So to improve blood circulation, digestive processes, the treatment of respiratory tract infections, relieve pain in the joints and back added to the mixture mountain ginger. This plant also has a purifying and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin, improves the overall emotional state, relieves stress and tension, gives the skin firmness and elasticity, reduces pores.

Restorative effect, aid in the treatment of colds and viral infections, headaches, abdominal pain, reduction of edema willherbal bags massage adding patchouli. Direct effect on the skin will help to eliminate flaking and dryness, give a healthy look mature and aging skin, eliminate rashes and dermatitis allergic manifestations.

A powerful antioxidant, analgesic and excellent antiseptic, relieves spasms, healing skin lesions and scars - turmeric root.Herbal bags massage with the addition of this plant is also used as a cholagogue.

For the treatment of colds, inflammation in the joints and respiratory tract, pain and muscle strain well add herbal mixture camphor. Stabilizes the emotional state treats inflammation of the skin, relieves spasms, cleanses, rejuvenates, helps to stabilize blood pressure additive of kaffir lime.

Alsoherbal bags massage apply aloe, orange, lavender, rosemary, sage, black sesame seeds, lemon and many other useful ingredients.

Massage with herbal bags: contraindications

As with most treatmentsmassage with herbal bags, For all utility has contraindications.

So without the advice of a doctor should not take the procedure for those who are cancer, venereal, skin disease, serious heart disorders, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, varicose veins, mental disorders.

The presence of prostheses, artificial cardiac pacemaker, diabetes, pregnancy, exacerbation of infectious diseases are also a reason to abandon the procedure.

You should know that in the day of the procedure you need to abstain from alcohol and not to eat at least one hour before the massage.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: bag techniques