Massage technique "raindrops"

Massage technique "raindrops"
 Unique massage "rain" was coined, and borrowed from the Indians Lakota. This technique of massage patented American naturopath Gary Young. As a young man he had an accident, which resulted in injured his back. To escape from the pain, Gary turned to folk remedies and medicine became rub his skin oils. Some time after the daily rubbing oils he really started to feel better.

The technique combines aromatherapy and reflexology. For its implementation requires special cocktails of oils that can be prepared even at home. Take seven drops of oil of incense, 15 drops of essential oil of fir, spruce 1 drop of oil, 6 drops of oil of tansy and 2 drops of rosewood. All these oils mix.

Sam massage is as follows: on the human foot is applied to a special cocktail and then turns 7 oils - thyme, oregano, basil, cypress, marjoram, wintergreen and finally peppermint. In turn, the therapist should be very gently rub these oils and is located on the soles of his hands, stand in this position for about five or seven minutes. It was during this time, according to founder Gary should be "renewal energy."

Then, the procedure must be repeated, but with the shoulders. After that wraps specialist already treated area of ​​the body blanket and then proceeds to processing of the back. Soft massage movements he gets it the same seven oils. Then produces reflex massage therapist and the client covers a towel that has been soaked in hot water.

After that, it gets a cocktail of oils on your back, neck and shoulders. After a massage client should relax, lie down and drink green or herbal tea.

Physicians has not been confirmed the therapeutic effect of massage techniques "rain", but this massage lovers claim that it helps to cope with any problems that are associated with the spine.

"Raindrops" you can even take home to their friends and relatives, but remember that undiluted essential oils can be hazardous to health. Therefore it is better not to risk it, and still go to a specialist.

In addition, massage can not be held to those customers who are allergic to essential oils required for massage, as well as people who have had operations directly on the spine, in the presence of bruising or inflammation of the skin, in the heat, a cold and expectant mothers.

Tags: oil, massage, drop, techniques, rain, drops, holding, Gary Young