Massage plastic bottle ...

Massage plastic bottle ...
 Massage relaxes, tones and gives a lot of pleasant sensations. But what if you do not have time to see a specialist? You can do a massage partner or yourself alone. It is not difficult, especially if the hand would be ... a plastic bottle.

A great way to ease muscle tension after the working day - to massage yourself or partner sealed plastic bottle filled to the brim filled with hot water. Bottle technique is an alternative to stone therapy, can be easily performed at home.

Suitable for massaging small plastic vials, to 600 grams. But if your partner is a large body, take a liter. For contrasting effects on the muscles of the body, take two bottles, one of which is filled with hot water, and the second - cold.

Start massage always with effects on the body hot bottle. This warms up the muscles and prepare the body to the session. Do not be afraid to cause any damage. Plastic bottle - soft enough and its weight is sufficient to affect tissue. Quits always cold bottle to the muscles were in good shape.

The basic techniques of massage bottle - a "rolling", "kneading" and "bicycle".

You can start a session from the back. Roll the bottle on the back from the bottom up along the spinal column. With one hand, hold the neck and the other hand to push the plastic. Do not forget about the obliques.

If you do self-massage, lie back on the bottle lying horizontally so that it was possible to roll it along the muscles of the spine. With the help of resting on the floor and toes, as well as moving the body weight along the floor made an impact on his back, sacrum and neck.

Reception "kneading" can be compared with the movement of the nut grinding in a mortar. This rotational movement in a clockwise direction in different planes. In this way good massaging the muscles on either side of the spine, the scapular area and lateral gastrocnemius muscles neck. You can lightly press down on the bottle, using its own weight.

Gluteal muscle power by rolling massage. Taking the bottle from both sides hands, rotate it, if pedaling. Well then use the method of "vibration".

Mechanical load and the heat from the hot water give a positive relaxing effect. Upon completion of the reception quickly go over the massed place cold bottle. The ratio of heat and cold - four to one.

Bottomed bottles put pressure on points along the back, buttocks, sacrum, shoulder blades. When this self-massage of the plastic bottle treat the base of the neck, scalene muscles, the muscles attaching to the first rib.

During the massage the neck and use the "kneading" and "rolling", putting a head of his big hot bottle. This man is lying on his side, and the therapist stands behind him. Keep warm bottle vertically and movement she made in the direction from the back to the chest.

Massage bottle is easy to perform. At first glance, it seems rude, but in practice it is very pleasant procedure. This massage will remove stagnant energy and blood in the muscles, improve mood and health, will add new sensations in the relationship.

Tags: bottle, muscle massage, SEB, stress, therapy, analog stone