How to apply and bath salts

How to apply and bath salts
 Bath salts are able to turn the normal procedure in a soothing, relaxing or energizes you. In addition, they soften the skin and saturate the room a pleasant aroma. Many home samples of cosmetics made from readily available ingredients and simple techniques, can compete with the best commercial products.  
 Ordinary scented bath salts

Prepare 1 ½ cup of Epsom salts and 1 cup of sea salt. Epsom salt is sold in pharmacies, sea - in grocery stores and supermarkets. Toss them in a plastic or glass container.

Take the essential oil. Use those intended for addition to the cream, soap, lotion. Absolutely safe for the skin and massage oils. But flavored mixes for sachets, handmade candles, lamps, etc. can cause irritation or severe allergic reaction. If you are cooking a relaxing blend, choose essential oils of rose, lavender, jasmine, ylang-ylang. For stimulating baths are perfect mint, rosemary, cinnamon, lemon and orange. You can use either one oil and several. You will need a total of about 10-12 drops. Add them to the salt and mix. Never do this with bare hands - in fact on your skin can be microcracks, and you will feel very uncomfortable.

If you want to color the salt, or you do not like the color, which has colored your product essential oil, add a few drops of food coloring. Again, mix evenly.

To salt softens the skin, you can drip into the mixture a little glycerin, but note that it attracts moisture, and the jar of salt have to be stored in a closed container very carefully, or its contents quickly become a monolithic block of salt.

Beauty and extra flavor, you can add in salt, dried flowers and herbs. It can be rose petals, lavender buds, mint leaves. Choose those supplements that combine with your essential oils.

Sprinkle salt evenly on a sheet of paper confectionery, let it dry for about an hour and store in glass jars or plastic containers.

Effervescent bath salts

To get the effervescent bath salt mix 4 cups of Epsom salt, 2 cups of sea salt, 2 cups of baking soda and 1 ½ cup citric acid. Add essential oils and food coloring. Dry salt on the baking paper and store it in a container.

How to use bath salts

On average one bath must be from one to two cups of salt. Turn on the hot water and dissolve the salt under running tap water. Give salt for about five minutes to ensure that is completely dissolved in the water. Add cold or hot water, depending on your preference. Take a bath salt with 20 to 30 minutes.

Tags: domestic, bath salt