How do Anti-cellulite massage

How do Anti-cellulite massage
 Shelves and drugstores are full of a variety of tools that promise quick relief from many women hated "orange peel". However, the result is often not met expectations - at best a little smoother skin, but most everything remains unchanged. It turns out that you can reduce the appearance of cellulite with his own hands, with a home massage.
 Because of the intense massage movements normal blood supply areas of the body affected by cellulite and improves intercellular metabolic processes of tissue toxins. Quite effective massage performed using a brush with natural bristles. Better if it will be tough enough. Pay attention to handle: it should be long enough and well in the hand.

Massage should be performed every evening (or morning) after the adoption of water treatments. Importantly, wipe dry the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, because moist skin is exposed to tension, and active movements brush can only exacerbate the situation.

Put one foot on a stool or a side bathroom. Begin to perform massage with light circular movements, carefully working through the problem areas. Massage the outside and back of the thigh, buttocks, gradually increasing the pressure. After 2-3 minutes, adjust the leg. Remember that you should not rub the skin, where there is damage: scratches, bruises, inflammation.

Honey massage - one of the most effective ways to make your skin smooth and taut. The full course consists of 15 sessions, which should be carried out in a day.

During the procedure, you can use any natural honey. The main thing that he was sufficiently liquid and viscous in structure. Stale, candied honey massage will not work. To achieve the best results, you can add a few drops of essential oil has a tonic effect, such as eucalyptus, grapefruit, lemon. The resulting mixture was spread on the palms, then start to pat them on one of the problem areas. Movements should be very sharp: hand pressed tightly to the body and immediately tear off. Be prepared for the fact that sensations during a session may not be the most pleasant and even painful. After the first treatment the skin may remain small bruises, which is also a variant of the norm. After finishing massage, should take a warm shower and moisturize the skin nourishing cream or firming agent.

Tags: cellulite massage, peel, self-massage