Hiromassazh: history, contraindications, technique

Hiromassazh: history, contraindications, technique
 Hiromassazh is a special technique, which is based on different techniques of oriental and classical massage systems, which includes elements of kinesiology and chiropractic. Hiromassazh can be carried throughout the body and be used not only as a medical procedure. This type of massage helps to slow down throughout the body aging.

Hiromassazh was first documented in the form of massage techniques famous Spanish doctor Ferrandis, who was involved in the period from 1913 to 1918, the study of Dr. Kellogg, Mezger, Mozangella and American osteopath Palmer. While in Spain, the Catholic Church forbade massage and exercise more, stop any attempts of people to engage in rehabilitation. After some time, Spain became a Republic, and only in 1936 a doctor Ferrandis was able to open a massage school.

After the death of Ferrandis, in the 60s, the technique hiromassage able to gain more popularity, as has been improved. Suffice it became popular, many experts who are well owned by various original massage techniques.

However, the procedure hiromassage there are some contraindications. It should not be subjected to people who have wounds on his body or burns. Also not recommended hiromassazh patients who suffer spinal hernias, low back pain, cancer, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers.

The technique hiromassage used many techniques for kneading the body and face (passive gymnastics muscles), which enables you to work on the joint, muscular, nervous and vascular systems, tailored to the specific anatomical landmarks.

In turn, a large number of such techniques allows freedom of those who carry out hiromassazh, which itself can decide in each case should be to achieve the desired result. If the procedure is performed entirely throughout the body, including the face, then it should do just two masseur. The work comes at the same time and with fingertips and palm, and its base, and fingers, and even the elbow and forearm.

Hiromassazh leads to impressive results - restored oval face, improves skin elasticity and tone facial muscles occurs oxygenation - toxins and enrich the skin with oxygen, activation of cell regeneration.

Tags: history, techniques, performance, contraindications, hiromassazh