Facial massage: motion

Facial massage: motion
 Facial massage helps to cope with various problems. It is recommended to combat premature aging, acne, with neuritis of the facial nerve, lowered lids. Massage helps restore facial tissues after plastic surgery, helps to cope with scars from burns and frostbite. You can sign up for a facial massage at salon, but you can spend it at home yourself. To perform a facial massage has its own technique.

We have a facial massage contraindications. These are pustular and fungal skin diseases, acute respiratory infections, acute sinusitis and skin cancer.
Facial massage starting to make forehead. Soft symmetrical movements of both hands perform strokes from the middle of the forehead to the temples, the temples in the hands of a second fixed.
Next, you spiral rubbing fingertips from the middle of the forehead to the temples, the completion of each movement for a second fixed at the temples.
Cross rubbing his forehead two fingers. Fingers to his temple set parallel to each other and move toward the other temple. When the fingers move simultaneously in the vertical direction (one finger goes up, the other - down).
To massage the eye area are used only light pressure and stroking. Middle fingers of both hands with a soft stroking movements on the lower eyelids from the outer edge to the inner. To complete the circle, at the inner edge of the eye connected forefingers, with the middle fingers are held under the eyebrows, and the index - above the eyebrows.
Massage nose runs on three massage lines: on the bridge of the nose, on the side walls and the wings of the nose to nose. Used to massage the nose stroking, rubbing spiral fingertips, pressing and alternating blows with his fingertips.
Massage is performed on the three cheeks massage lines from the nose to the lower eyelids and temples, from the wings of the nose to the upper edge of the ears and on the corners of the mouth to the upper edge of the ears. Used techniques such as stroking schiptseobraznoe (skin easily grasped between the thumb and opposing fingers), spiral rubbing fingertips, squeezing, stroking the surface.
Massage the mouth area runs from the middle of the chin toward the nasolabial folds. Uses synchronous stroking fingertips schiptseobraznoe stroking, squeezing, stroking the surface.
Massage chin is performed from the midline of the chin to the ear lobes. This field may already be more active influence. Use schiptseobraznoe stroking, patting his chin, surface stroking, stroking capture and neck muscles.
Facial massage ends puncturing all massaged area - fingertips performed alternating light strikes the entire face.

Tags: face massage, movement techniques