Down with fat! Can massage the abdomen

Down with fat! Can massage the abdomen
 Summer. Hot time. Minimum of clothing ... Again feelings about their own figures. During the winter, women often gain a few extra pounds, and in the summer there is a desire to remove all the excess. One of the problem areas is the stomach, which prevents wear so beautiful short shirts. And what to do to get in shape?

Invented many ways to remove excess fat. One of the new - can massage, it is called a vacuum. For a long time the banks were used in the treatment of various colds and only, and recently they have also been used as a tool to help in the fight against cellulite.

Do cupping massage is a snap. All that is needed - a silicone banks and massage oil (you can cellulite cream).

Procedures need to lie on your back, the abdomen warm oil to grease. Then, squeezing bank, put it on my stomach and let her to "suck." Keep in one place for a long time it should not be - there will be not too attractive circles purple hue.

Bank should move smoothly without taking away from the skin, clockwise across the problem area. Massage duration - 5-15 minutes. During the procedure, there is a pleasant feeling of warmth, creating a pleasant emotional background. In the same way, and vacuum massage is done on the thighs and buttocks.

What is called a positive effect? The vacuum causes a rush of blood to the place where the bank is located, which improves blood circulation, activates recovery and metabolic processes and eliminates congestion in the tissues. In addition to this effect, the vacuum has another - it promotes the destruction of fat cells.

However, there are some contraindications: vacuum massage is not recommended if on the impact of skin diseases are inflammatory disorders, varicose veins, as well as hypertension and diseases of the blood.

For greater efficiency and speed up the process, it is desirable to use other methods of weight loss in conjunction with massage, such as resistive loads on the problem areas. Then she will be able to get in shape quickly and safely go to the beach.

Tags: fat belly massage