Cryosauna - cold instead of heat

Cryosauna - cold instead of heat
 Cryosauna involves short-term effects on the body frost - namely nitrogen cooling. For couples - Troika minutes organism resists cold, which is very useful for strengthening the immune system, improvement of blood circulation and improve metabolism.
 Cryo procedures are in insulated chambers (rooms for one person, with a mind like a solarium), as well as cabins or basins (devices for group sessions such as large refrigeration compartments).

"Form" for cryo - underwear made of cotton cloth, woolen socks and mittens, as well as regenerative bandages for respiratory protection. When a person enters the cryosauna, the room is filled with cooled gas with a temperature of -110 to -170 C.

Gas is supplied to the flow direction. It is not to be feared cold or hypothermia. In fact, the difference in temperature between human skin and the gas around the body does not perceive as critical. However, he begins to work with more "power" that promotes rejuvenation process.

In cryosauna skin receptors, which control the temperature of the surface of the human body react to extreme cold and send signals to the central nervous system. In response to this powerful stimulus central nervous system begins promptly complete recovery of the body.

During sessions in cryosauna people dulled sense of space, and many say they feel "as in zero gravity." Course sessions in cryosauna even helps fight wrinkles and cellulite. Wellness cycle is 10 - 15 sessions for 2-3 weeks. The duration of the procedure may vary from 1 to 3 minutes.

Contraindications cryosauna are chronic cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, heart attack, stroke, and the recovery period after them, fever, malignant tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis in an active form, skin diseases, reduced blood clotting, cold intolerance, and the general plight of health.

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