Hot wrap. Activates blood circulation and dilates blood vessels. Due to the influence of the greenhouse effect is an opening of pores and their cleansing of toxins and impurities. As a result, improve blood circulation, heat is released. That is why the procedure is called and hot. Contraindicated in varicose veins.
Cold wrap. Has almost the opposite effect. Vessels begin to narrow and blood makes all the toxins in the internal cleansing organs. Recommended for fatigue, swelling, heaviness in the legs.
These two species are perfectly combined. You can do the hot zones of cellulite wraps and cold on flabby skin to improve tone. Both species are contraindicated in cardiovascular diseases, dermatological, gynecological and hypertension. As active members often use the dirt, algae, clay, honey, green coffee. All this combined with essential oils and herbs.
Oily wrap do with the film and thermal blankets. Because of their impact appears sauna effect. Metabolism increases. As the main cell using wheat germ oil, olive oil or almond oil.
Honey wrap is designed specifically to eliminate cellulite. By the withdrawal of excess water, toxins. Improves metabolism, decreases the amount of fat.
Another procedure aimed at combating cellulite is called chocolate wrapping. Adjusted figure and weight. Caffeine speeds up the metabolism. Effect of the procedure is very impressive - it not only helps to remove the "orange peel" and tone the skin, but in addition, relieves stress, improves mood, adds energy.
For all kinds of wraps have contraindications. Common to all are: acute infectious and inflammatory, as well as gynecological and cardiovascular disease, bleeding, swelling, fungal skin disease, a severe form of diabetes, pregnancy.