Chocolate body wraps at home

Chocolate body wraps at home
 Chocolate has long ceased to be a favorite treat sweet tooth, today it is also an excellent base for massage, masks, wraps and baths. The most popular among women enjoy wraps that allow you to enjoy all the beneficial properties of chocolate without causing harm to the figure. This elite procedure is easy to navigate and at home, buying tiles of dark chocolate.

Currently, there is a kind of "chocolate boom": cosmetics made with the addition of this delicacy and beauty studio offer women masks and wraps based on it. Such popularity of chocolate in cosmetology is understandable, because in its composition contains many beneficial ingredients, including caffeine, vegetable proteins, antioxidants, cocoa butter.

Chocolate body wrap, during which envelops the body mass of fragrant sweet, gives amazing results. It allows you to adjust the outlines of shapes, smoothes the skin, improves mood. Caffeine, which is part of chocolate, speeds up metabolism, thereby providing an excellent anti-cellulite effect. If you are unable to visit the beauty salon, you can easily spend less elite procedure at home, because everything you need for it to be found in any store.

For home wraps need to purchase chocolate, which will contain at least 50% cocoa. Milk chocolate for this procedure is not necessary. In a water bath melt the chocolate bar and add a little olive oil. To speed up the breakdown of fat cells and more warming can pour a spoonful of cinnamon weight. Then cool the cooked mixture to a comfortable temperature and apply to cleansed body. Before the procedure, the skin is best cleaned with a coffee scrub. After half an hour rinse with warm water composition.

For best effect, you can hide a body wrap and wrapped in a warm blanket. As a result of this "chocolate bath" skin gets lighter shade of tan fades pigmentation, removes toxins and modeled figure. The cells of the skin, caffeine, will be provided with better oxygen. As a result of lost "orange peel", in addition, chocolate helps produce "hormone of joy", which means that after such a procedure will certainly boost your mood. Chocolate wraps recommended rate immediately, which consists of eight treatments with intervals of four days.

Tags: house, home, condition, wrap