Bath: rules of conduct

Bath: rules of conduct
 Sauna for health and beauty is very useful because it helps cleanse the body of toxins, helps to eliminate excess fluid causes the circulatory system to work better, and even allows you to lose weight. But for all its advantages, this procedure gives a significant load, so there are certain rules for steam baths.
 You can not go to the bath during the exacerbation of all diseases accompanied by fever. It is also desirable to consult your doctor if you have chronic diseases, especially those related to the cardiovascular system. Much debate underway about whether it is possible to visit the baths during pregnancy. Therefore, if there are any doubts concerning health, before going to the steam room, first is better to visit a doctor.

In other cases, Russian bath will benefit if it is well prepared. First you need to clean the skin of makeup, since sweating it will only get in the way, scoring the opening pores. You can use only a little lip gloss or chapstick that will prevent over-drying them.

On the head, always wear a cap or scarf to help protect your hair from the heat. Without such measures, they can become brittle and dry.

Also, you must remove all jewelry, as they can burn when heated.

During the first call in a steam room are only a few minutes, gradually accustomed to the new body for his feelings. The main rule of baths and saunas is that being in them should be fun. If you experience discomfort should immediately leave the steam room, or can cause the body does not use, and harm.

In the second approach can be carried out in a steam bath for 10-15 minutes, depending on the degree of comfort. In just one visit, you can go to the steam room three to six times, each time after a session warming cools. For people who have problems with blood vessels, better ohdazhdatsya without contrasting procedures, just in the dressing room.

A visit to the sauna can be sporadic or regular, the latter is important for those who want to help their health.

Tags: Russian, health visiting, Russian