Bamboo massage - healing exotica

Bamboo massage - healing exotica
 Bamboo massage technique is based on the practice Creole healers who used it since ancient times for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The basic principle of the bamboo massage - the expansion and contraction of blood vessels.
 In carrying out massage using bamboo stems in different sizes to elaborate the different parts of the body. Large diameter tubes are designed for deeper penetration into the fabric. The main directions of motion consistent with the principles of Thai massage and coincide with the energy channels. Bamboo sticks dispersed lymph contribute to its outflow and stimulate blood circulation. Work masseur sticks more convenient - so less tired hands and joints.

Bamboo massage technique

Before the start of the session bamboo sticks need to warm up - do it gently, using a special oven and trying not to burn the stalks. Massage with warm sticks - a kind of Thai techniques, and Chinese experts use essential oils during the procedure.

First masseur stroking tissue and muscles, warming them - it uses the largest diameter rod. Then it executes movements smaller sticks and bamboo finishes warming up the smallest diameter. In between the change sticks master strokes skin palms - it helps to relax the muscles even more. Gradually the movements become more energetic pressure intensifies - so warm up the deeper layers. Special bamboo brooms complete massage - thin twigs collected in bundles, masseur pats skin, relaxing it.

The advantages of bamboo massage

Massage using bamboo sticks perfectly relaxes, relieves tension and stress. Through the efforts of lymph drainage and water is removing excess fluid, swelling disappear. General update processes in the body, metabolism and cell division - result of increased blood circulation. Lifting effect bamboo massage makes it necessary to use in the fight against cellulite manifestations - sticks "break" fat, promote the rapid removal of toxins. This kind of Indian massage is often recommended by doctors as part of the treatment of obesity, weight correction. Women love this kind of massage for its anti-aging effect and regenerating properties.

Tags: massage techniques, exotic