Aromatherapy at home

Aromatherapy at home
 Aromatherapy - is the use of flavors and fragrances for the treatment, rehabilitation, to create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. During a session of aromatherapy essential oils act on the body through the nose, as well as through the lymphatic and circulatory systems.  
 Aromatherapy normalizes the respiratory system, stabilizes blood pressure. It saves from asthenic syndrome, headaches, helps with disorders of the nervous system, fatigue and sleep disorders, cardiovascular diseases, cures impotence in men and frigidity in women. Many essential oils have antibacterial and antiseptic properties, toning and soothing effect. They are also used to strengthen the immune system and prevent disease.

Aromatherapy at home includes a variety of activities. To give a specific smell in the room is sufficient to expand the sachet, light aromasvechi or aroma lamp.

Aromatherapy massage affects the nervous system, blood circulation, respiratory system. Massage - this is one of the most effective methods. To perform this test a few drops of essential oil is added to the basic massage. During the massage, special attention should be paid to the hands and feet, where most of the acupuncture points.

Compresses with essential oils act on a specific area of ​​the body. The essential oil is added to hot water in which the tissue is moistened and applied it to the desired area for a few minutes. This method is well suited for removing the head, joints and dental pain, for reducing inflammation and edema.

Aromatic baths have systemic effects. They are usually taken courses. In typeset bath add 5-10 drops from an oil or mixture of oils. Such a procedure, but pleasure, brings tangible benefits for the skin, internal organs, the nervous system.

Inhalations with essential oils can relieve the condition at a cold, pain and dryness in the throat, cough. This method allows you to warm up the airways, stop inflammation. Inhalation can be cold when the oil drip on aromamedalon or napkin and sniffing for five to seven minutes. When inhaled hot to breathe hot steam over a container of water with oil.

Essential oils are added to the base, can be used as a lotion for dry and sensitive skin. To favorite fragrances accompany you throughout the day, you need a few drops of your favorite essential oil to add clothing.

For internal use of oils must comply with the dosage. Receiving one dose does not exceed 1-3 drops, and the treatment should not exceed one month. The oil can be added to salads or drip it on a piece of bread. You can add a few drops of essential oil in a jar with tea, shake and after a few days to drink flavored tea.

It is very important to choose the right essential oils. Each oil has certain properties, so choose them must be strictly individually according to the situation.

Tags: domestic condition, oil property, treatment, aromatherapy