Queen herbal medicine - camomile

Queen herbal medicine - camomile
 Chamomile is known as a medicinal plant since ancient times. The doctors of ancient Greece and Rome used it to treat many diseases. In Russia, the healing power of chamomile is also well known and is still in use, as for the production of medicines, as well as in folk medicine.
 From this simple flower essential oil is obtained and produced water infusion. Essential chamomile oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, analgesic and sedative. It has the ability to increase the secretion of digestive glands, reduce fermentation in the gut.

Camomile tea is also useful for many diseases. For example, it is applicable in chronic gastritis, flatulence, with duodenal ulcer and stomach, with cramps. And all because the active substances contained in chamomile, have a choleretic effect. Infusion and used for colds and diseases of the throat - tonsillitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis.

Chamomile and help for toothache or stomatitis. It can gargle and use eyewash. After a daisy contains volatile, which effectively compete with pathogens. Hot infusion of dried chamomile with the addition of a pair of spoons of honey rinse your mouth several times.

Even in Tibet, the country of ancient knowledge, paid tribute to chamomile. It was part of the elixir of youth, which has been used by almost all Buddhist monks. In its composition, except chamomile, included, everlasting, St. John's wort, birch buds (1: 1: 1: 1). The composition treats hypertension, obesity since improves metabolism, removes cholesterol, toxins.

The strength of chamomile is so great that it is a part of folk remedies, complementary medical treatment of cancer. For example, the collection, which includes mint leaves, plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort and camomile, is used to get rid of the symptoms of poisoning during chemotherapy.

Tags: plant, chamomile, property use, queens, herbal medicine