Forms and methods of massage: manual, general and special massage

Forms and methods of massage: manual, general and special massage
 Recently, more and more doctors prescribe massage both for prevention and for the treatment of many diseases. He is able to improve blood circulation, calm the nervous system, have a relaxing effect. There are several forms of massage and methods.

According to the method of massage can be classified into manual, and hardware combination. Manual mode is considered basic. It is permissible to carry out a wide variety of settings and at home as well. The hardware is not very suitable for the home environment. A specialized clinics can offer you a very effective massage, vibration massage and some others of his species.

Hand massage in turn can be divided into general and special. General - this is the sort of mechanical action, in which the whole body is massaged person. The duration of one session depends on the objectives, as well as the age and weight of the patient. The duration of a session of general manual massage of individual parts of the body is as follows: pelvis, back, neck - about 20 minutes; upper limbs - about 12 minutes; lower limbs - about 18 minutes; abdomen, chest - 10 minutes.

On the performance of individual techniques is given a specific time. With a total Russian massage, which lasts 60 minutes, time is divided as follows: on the kneading of the whole body of the patient is given 30 minutes to squeezing and rubbing - 24 minutes, in an active-passive movements, stroking and vibration - 6 minutes. All parts of the body may be massaged in a different sequence. In general massage head massage is not included.

Private individual parts of the body massage is performed in more detail than is common. But overall its a technique similar to the procedure for general massage. However, in private is very important sequence. Each session begins with the overlying areas. If the patient needs to massage the legs, the procedure starts from the hip. Then, the core becomes knee. Then gradually move to the lower leg and foot. And if you want to spend only a foot massage, then implement it starts with the tibia.

Tags: form, massage method