Douches slimming: benefits and contraindications. How to take a douche

 If you look at history, we can see that the ancient Russians are famous for their good health. Of course, the well-being and health is affected by various factors, but one of them, and important - it is a Russian bath. What is its use? Obviously, due to high and low temperatures, the hardening of the body. Take a steam bath, dived into the hole or izvalyalsya in the snow, and fun, and helpful. Of course, in modern apartments is not possible, however, an alternative may be a douche.

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You should first warm the body with hot water, and after it to steam, turn on the cold water. Then again, hot, and so alternate the. The average treatment time is about 10 minutes. And while in the hot water should be twice the time spent in the cold. You can use the following scheme - 2 min. hot water for 1 minute. cold, etc.

Now you already know,how to take a doucheSo let's talk about its benefits.

So, if you have a habit to take dailyalternating doucheThen your body:

- Activate all metabolic processes;
- Strengthen blood circulation;
- Would display toxins;
- Improve the performance of the cardiovascular system.

Also shown that can be useddouche slimmingWhen cardiac arrhythmia and many other diseases. If we talk about the overall effect, you will feel more energetic, cheerful and even younger.

Sure, you may be wondering, what explains such efficiencycontrast shower? Quite simply, the skin is the largest organ of the human body. Therefore, by acting on it contrasting temperatures we train the body to thereby treat.

However, although the procedure and quite safe, it still has its contraindications, such as hypertension, cancer, blood diseases. In diseases of the cardiovascular system is also better to consult a doctor.

Douches slimming: benefits and contraindications. How to take a douche

The basic rules of reception contrast shower:

1. The temperature of the water should be increased or decreased gradually. Doing contrast with each procedure more. Since your body has to "harden" and get used to sudden changes in temperature.
2. First bask under warm water, then turn hot. Popartes longer, and then go to the cold water or an ideal option would be pouring cold water from a bucket.
3. The cooling body should downwards. And just like that!
4. Avoid freezing. If you feel that cold, then somewhere made a mistake. When properly used contrast showerYou should feel cheerful. Relax and enjoy, do not force yourself to take a shower, because the desired effect it will bring.
5. Alternating douche better to take the morning after charging. Since that time, your body is warmed up as much as possible, enhanced blood circulation, and refreshed after an intense workout can not hurt.
6. After the shower a good rub with a towel. You not only will remove excess moisture, but at the same time spend massage and stimulate microcirculation.

Also, during the receptioncontrast shower to enhance the effect, you can sing your favorite song or chant to myself, "My body is cleaned, I become more beautiful, younger and healthier," the effect is stunning.

Do not expect an instant effect, you will notice it only with time. However, you will very much enjoy what he saw, and if the receptioncontrast shower will you have a habit, then his whole life you will feel younger and more energetic their peers.

 Tatiana Tkachenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: benefits, weight loss, add a contraindication