Bath slimming

Bath slimming
 Variety of ways to combat obesity, which invented people for all time of its existence, is amazing. From this doubly difficult to find exactly those methods that are specifically suited to you. Of course, it is better not to focus on any one method, and combine several, the most effective, then the result will not be long in coming.

On one of these ways today and we'll talk. Surely you have heard somewhere about such a wonderful thing as a bath for weight loss.

Such procedures offer many beauty salons and spas, but it does not mean that such a bath can not be done at home. As you can imagine, it is best to combine these baths with a low calorie diet and exercise, because the baths themselves do not give the desired effect - they are just a nice addition to the other measures.

There are a few general rules that should be followed when taking these baths:

1. The bath should be taken sitting down with the water should reach to the waist.
2. If you feel some discomfort - heart palpitations, for example, then immediately stop taking a bath.
3. Try not to eat for an hour before and an hour after taking a bath.
4. If you are ill or have critical days, temporarily refuse the procedure. And if you have any serious chronic disease, you should consult with your doctor whether you can take the bath.

So what are the baths to choose? There is a special twelve-course bath for weight loss, you need to take a bath in a certain order. After passing the course should take a break for three days, then repeat the course.

Thus, the bath must be taken in the following order:

1. Mustard
2. Cleopatra bath
3. Soda
4. Hollywood
5. Linden
6. From bran
7. Turpentine
8. Coniferous
9. "Spanish cloak"
10. Vitamin
11. Cleopatra bath
12. Wrap the French courtesans

Now let's talk more about each of these baths.

For the preparation of mustard bath should be about one cup mustard stir thoroughly and add the warm water. After taking a bath (10 minutes), take a shower and lie down for half an hour under a blanket.

To take a bath, which once hosted Cleopatra, dissolve 100 grams. honey in a liter of heated milk until the mixture cools, rub the body 150 gr. sour cream, mixed with 150 g. salt. Soak 20 minutes, rinse. Fill the tub with warm water and dissolve in it the cooled milk and honey. Take a bath for 20-25 minutes.

For the preparation of soda bath, mix 200 gr. soda and 300 g. salt, add a warm bath and takes 10 minutes.

For bathing in Hollywood whisk together half a cup of shampoo, egg and spoon vanilla. Slowly pour the foam into the water when the bath will be recruited. You can take a bath half an hour.

To prepare the lime bath grab bought in a pharmacy linden blossom, brew boiled water, 40 minutes and add the warm water. Do not take a bath for longer than 20 minutes.

To prepare a bath of bran, brew 1 kg. bran in 2 liters of milk with honey, pour the mixture into the warm water and take a bath.

To prepare the emulsion turpentine baths purchase through the Internet, and follow the instructions on the package.
To prepare the pine baths buy in a drugstore special pine extract and follow the instructions on the package.

Spanish cloak - it is nothing like a long thick cotton shirt soaked in broth lime blossom. Moisten the shirt in the broth, squeeze, slide. Put another top coat, wrapped in a blanket and are in this state as long as possible, but not more than two hours.

To make vitamin bath, pour in the water a liter of fruit juice, orange better. Take a bath can be arbitrarily long.

Now let's talk about the wrap, which practiced French courtesans. On a day when you wrap, do not eat or drink anything, bowels with enemas. Before wrapping drink six glasses of hot water with lemon juice through a straw, each glass - half an hour after the previous one. Shirt or sheet soak in a solution of apple cider vinegar (vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1), wrap in it, wrapped in several blankets and sit so at least 1, 5 hours. This is the most effective of all the wrapping.

Follow all the rules - and will achieve amazing results. Good luck to you!

Tags: bath, slimming