Anti-cellulite massage: techniques and rules

Anti-cellulite massage: techniques and rules
 Cellulite is not only spoil the figure and skin, it indicates that the body is not all right. Get rid of cellulite should be comprehensive and one of the helper methods is cellulite massage, which can be done at home.
 Conduct an independent anti-cellulite massage requires compliance with certain rules. You have to tune in to what is necessary to do massage regularly, otherwise no effect will. Each session should last at least half an hour - then you can work out the tissue deep enough.

First, the skin should be warm and relax the muscles, so take a shower or a hot bath. To better hands slipped on the skin, it is recommended to grease the usual cosmetic oil or sprinkle talcum powder. Performing anti-cellulite massage, you need to move from the bottom up, that is, from the knees to the thighs. Force on the hip must be greater than the stomach - it gently massaging you, soft and deep. Avoid areas where large vessels are - not massage the groin and place under your knees.

Adding a different salt scrubs, special formulations of honey and essential oils, anti-cellulite massage efficiency increases. Anti-cellulite supplements increase the rate of excretion of toxins, exfoliate dead skin flakes intensively, increase blood circulation.

Every part of the body should be treated with special techniques. Buttocks and thighs should be massaged his knuckles, running a hand from the bottom up and back. Also for the treatment of these areas are used cosmetic jars - cupping massage is a strong blood flow, since the vacuum is considering the impact of tissue deep and intense. It is also useful to flick your fingers joined together - to carry out a circular motion, periodically pressing on certain areas, like pulling the skin. Arms and thighs should be handled clips - grab the skin between the thumb and the rest, as though going through it, move on. To make better use of abdominal massage kneading and stroking movement, without strong pressure and tweaks.

Anti-cellulite massage will bring more tangible results if done hard massage brush or a special glove. Massage brush with coarse bristles or special devices significantly facilitates the anti-cellulite massage and provides deep and careful study of tissues.

Tags: cellulite massage, reception techniques