Vacuum massage: indications for use

Vacuum massage: indications for use
 Vacuum massage - is a hardware procedure used in cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. The impact on the problem areas is carried out using a special suction cup, which serves the thin air. For treatment with vacuum has a number of indications and contraindications.
 For cosmetic purposes vacuum massage is performed for activation of blood, tissues become better supplied with oxygen, activates the lymphatic drainage, increases metabolism. All this helps to significantly improve skin tone, strengthen the production of elastin and collagen, eliminate wrinkles, to cope with cellulite, eliminate fat. Volumes are significantly reduced, the skin looks smooth, taut and smooth.

For therapeutic purposes hardware vacuum massage is prescribed for colds, muscle pain and cramps, edema, to enhance metabolism, to eliminate headaches, treatment of nervous disorders, insomnia.

The number of therapeutic procedures is selected individually for each patient. For a complete cure often enough from 6 to 20 treatments.

Activation of metabolism helps rid the body of toxins without additional cleaning methods. When removing muscle pain result is already apparent from the third procedure. This is due to the rapid relaxation of muscles and decongesting.

Therapeutic massage is done in neck area, neck, back, waist, buttocks, thighs, shoulders, legs. When deletion of the internal organs massage is done in the area of ​​the abdomen. In the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, vegetative-vascular dystonia vacuum massage apparatus combined with medication, acupuncture, manual therapy.

In addition to the therapeutic effect hardware vacuum massage has a general healing effect.

Contraindications to hardware vacuum massage are birthmarks in the affected area, spots, and systemic inflammatory skin diseases, blood diseases, cancer, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, implanted pacemaker, tuberculosis, lung abscess, infectious diseases.

Tags: massage, reading, holding