Seven simple ways to relax

Seven simple ways to relax
 Sometimes people most of the time are in tension. Even coming home after work, a person can not relax. And it is so important to get rid of time pressure and stress that can eventually accumulate in the body.

A nice and easy way to quickly remove stress - laughter. You probably have often noticed how nervous discharges the atmosphere of the meeting uncomplicated joke.

If you are too serious at work, use jokes to cheer up. This not only drive away the stress, but also improve the efficiency of activity after a few minutes of relaxation and fun break.

Take a video rental comedy, get funny videos on the internet. The fun house. Laughter relaxes the body, invigorates the mind and prolongs life.

After a day of work is good to take a foam or salt bath. Turn on some relaxing music, light the candles and immerse yourself in a pleasant meditation. Imagine yourself on the beach where the surf gently whispers, and palm trees swaying in the wind. Feel the warmth of sunshine, birds singing, the creak of white sand.

Over the weekend, if possible, spend time in the countryside. Nature - what is lacking in the monotonous routine of office. Wander through the park, take a walk in the forest, visit the pond and feed the ducks bread funny. In addition to relaxation, fresh air will give you a fresh rosy cheeks.

Movement - a great way to switch between mental activity and relax muscles stiffened from sitting. If you do not visit health clubs, relieve stress and tension can be at home, dancing to the rhythmic music.

At work, periodically arrange breaks. Get up from the table, stretch. If you want a sweet yawn, do not deny yourself this. Rotate the head, shoulders, wrists, bend.

If you do not want to attract the attention of the boss, move naturally: remove something from the top shelf of the cabinet, sit down next to the table, running up the stairs and down. Even a two-minute break and minimal movement will relieve the muscles and joints of the body on the operating voltage and relax you.

A good way to relax - do something new. At this point, all the attention will be drawn to this kind of activity or unusual thing. Go for a weekend in a nearby town, Participate in the flash mob, make a new hairstyle, put in a grove of oaks.

Excellent relaxing hobbies, because they cause joy. Remember that you love more than anything else. Boating? Care for flowers? Playing with a kitten? Enjoy an ice cream? Dance or sing? Play "broken telephone"? Realize that most enjoy. The voltage will be over.

Good way to relax in a pair - sensual massage. Stay with your loved alone, had prepared a fragrant oil. Massage each other the most clamped parts of the body - shoulders, calves, back muscles. Vacant bodily energy direct to tender and sensual sex. Such moments of relaxation will bring a lot of pleasure.

Tags: work, Ambassador, stress method, the voltage