How to take a bath with sea salt

How to take a bath with sea salt
 Ever since ancient times known for the healing properties of sea bathing. Sea salt contains almost the entire range of trace elements and minerals beneficial effects on the body: calcium, potassium, sodium chloride, bromine, magnesium, iron, iodine. Also in seawater scientists found in small amounts of vitamins C and B.
 Included in the sea-salt sodium and potassium are involved in cleaning the cells and the regulation of food, calcium improves blood clotting, promotes wound healing and prevent infection, magnesium helps to relax the muscles and has anti-allergic effect, calms the nerves bromine, iodine is essential for proper hormone metabolism, iron transports oxygen, manganese generates bone, etc.

Methods bath with sea salt depends on the purpose. If you want to lose weight, then you need to take a bath for 15-20 minutes every day for one month. In this case, the water temperature should be 37-42 degrees. Due to the large termootdache salt, and even in combination with hot water, fats are burned quickly, the skin is cleansed, and cellulitis resolved. For best results, you can not just take a bath, but do peeling problem areas by rubbing them with sea salt. One procedure requires 1-2 kg of salt.

For the treatment of various diseases are applied hyperthermia hot bath, the temperature of water in them should be 37-42 degrees. This procedure has beneficial effects on bone and nervous system, kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels. Take such baths should be 5-15 minutes. People with heart and vascular diseases better reduce the time spent in the concentrated water. The full procedure requires 1-2 kg of salt.

To raise the general tone of the body, get a charge of vivacity and good mood is better to take a bath with cold water in the morning, which should add 100 to 1000 grams of sea salt. Average reception will be 10-20 minutes, with legs better to keep at the level of the body, so to reduce the load on the heart. After the procedure, you can not rinse the body in the shower, but simply apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream for dry skin.

Tags: salt, losing weight, composition, application