How to do a pedicure and foot massage

How to do a pedicure and foot massage
 The fact that the pedicure should be fresh, not only before going on holiday to the sea, but also throughout the year, it is known, probably all. After all, well-groomed feet - is not only a beautiful view and a source of confidence for their owner, but also a serious prevention of various diseases and fungi. At the same time, it often turns out that regular visits to expensive beauty is not enough time, money.

To legs were always in order, it is not necessary to attend master every week. You can learn how to do a pedicure at home. Or visit the salon once every one or two months, and the rest of the achieved level of self-support.

It is important to remember that while pedicure is usually associated with the procedure of trimming and painting toenails, only it does not exhaust it. In fact lacquer - this is the last stage of foot care, and it all begins with a massage and remove dead, case-hardened layers of skin on the feet. Particular attention is paid to the heels. Ideally, women should remind heels legs baby - be as pink, smooth and soft.

Unfortunately, in everyday life at our feet have a hard time. They can withstand the weight of the entire body to suffer from tight, uncomfortable shoes and high heels, often forced to walk on the roads far from ideal. It is not surprising that without proper care skin on the feet quickly coarsens, becomes dry and may even be covered by painful cracks. To avoid all these hassles requires regular foot care.

Home pedicure always begins with a warm relaxing bath. It is enough to lower the feet in warm water and keep them there until the skin softens. For greater effect, the water can be added to the liquid bath soaps, table salt or sea, a few drops of a suitable aromatic oil. Steamed feet to be treated abrasive (scrub) or a special pedicure nail file until fresh thin skin. If any blisters on your heels and thickening, they need to remove pumice. Then apply a nourishing cream softens feet and massage them.

Foot massage is always done from the fingertips toward the shin. Soft circular motions foot rubbing in the direction of the nail to the heel. Thus it is necessary to massage each finger individually. Then you need to grasp the foot with both hands and make light stroking movements in the opposite direction.

Nail care is their cropping, sawing and applying a decorative finish. Toenails is best not to cut with scissors, and special cutters, which provide clean cut and easily cope with bulges. Long nails should reach the edge of the fingers, so they will be better protected from mechanical impact shoes. Cut line should try to make a straight line.

The varnish is applied in two steps: first, strengthen the foundation, then the decorative color layer. Pre-need to degrease nails nail polish removers for and give them to dry. On wet nail polish will keep very badly. To varnish is not lubricated during coloring, between the fingers can be inserted foam pads or special delimiters finger.

Tags: foot home, condition, pedicures, massages, care