Honey and chocolate wrap: what to choose?

Honey and chocolate wrap: what to choose?
 In the XXI century beauty does not require victims. Cosmetic companies armed modern Aphrodite various means of struggle with imperfection. Women take care of your body with pleasure and even ... tasteful.

Two sweet foods - honey and chocolate moved to the dining table in the spa. On their basis the special beauty treatment - wrap.

Wraps with honey and chocolate originate in a specific pattern. The hot product enriched essential oil is applied onto the cleaned body. Then wrapped up in plastic wrap for 30-40 minutes. Useful combined with a pleasant: nutrients nourishes the skin, and the wonderful aroma relieve psychological stress.

If useful, and honey, and chocolate wrap: what to choose? To do this, a closer look at the effect of each of them. Note that for best results you need to use special cosmetic mixtures to wrap or only high-quality natural products.

Honey wrap nourishes and moisturizes the skin and restores its tone. The body gets a good dose of minerals, vitamins A, B, C, E, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes and many other useful substances. Starts the process of splitting fat cells and remove toxins.

After honey wraps the contours of the body become very clear, and the skin gets a nice healthy color. With its anti-inflammatory properties, honey soothes, strengthens the immune system.
But honey wraps there are some serious contraindications. The procedure should avoid people who are prone to hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and gynecological diseases, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. You can not use honey if there are signs of an allergic reaction and damaged skin (abrasions, scratches, sutures and skin diseases in the acute stage).

Chocolate wrapping give the skin tone and moisturize it. This procedure will stain the skin in a soft golden color, reduce age spots, as well as mask the small pimples and bumps.

The basis of chocolate - cocoa butter. It is rich in sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, plant proteins. Caffeine is contained in a large amount in the cocoa beans, tones vessels. Furthermore, the chocolate production in the body stimulates endorphin so called "happy hormone".
In chocolate wrapping is of great importance aromatherapy. Relaxation is guaranteed during the procedure.

Luxuriate in chocolate is not recommended for allergy sufferers and those who currently have a skin irritation.

So, honey wrap pleasure and enrich the body with plenty of nutrients. Its drawback is considered to be a large number of contraindications.

Chocolate wrapping from a medical point of view is available for almost everyone. However, its main effect - relaxation, removal of psychological stress and achieve inner harmony.

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