Herbal medicine for the brain

Herbal medicine for the brain
 Headache, depression, memory loss, insomnia - from such diseases, there are many medicines. Today, however, like many centuries ago, their health can be helped without chemistry. Many medicinal plants will contribute to the health of the brain and solve mental problems.

Herbal medicine in the broad sense of this concept involves the use of the healing power of plants to improve health. And it's not just about herbs, but also vegetables, fruits and cereals, which can be used for medicinal purposes.

Ginseng is one of the key products of herbal medicine. Its main action - toning. In addition, ginseng helps improve memory and fight stress. The extract of the plant taken as a useful source of vitamins and minerals.

Ginkgo is also very often used as a fitotreapii and in cosmetology. Ginkgo biloba - one of the oldest trees on the planet. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for its healing power. Ginkgo helps to cope with the problems of short-term memory and prevent the development of dementia.

Soy today is an indispensable component of a healthy and vegetarian food. Among other things, soy contains phospholipids, which are directly involved in the construction of cells. It therefore improves the functioning neurons soybeans and normalizes the whole mash.

Buckwheat is very popular in a healthy diet, but it now goes on the rump, and the flowers of buckwheat. They contain large amounts of vitamin B1, magnesium and phosphorus. With these components, buckwheat can improve cerebral blood flow.

Passionflower (Passiflora).
Passion flower was brought to Europe in the 17th century from South America. It taught Hispanic inhabitants of the New World to use this plant as a sedative and relaxing drug. Decoction of passion not only relieve stress, but also help in the fight against insomnia.

Hawthorn - a bush with white flowers and red fruits. In herbal medicine is used and then, and more. Thanks to the calming and sedative properties, hawthorn easily removes nervousness, depression, but it does not cause drowsiness.

This plant is used in medicine since ancient times. The extract of valerian root is known as a powerful sedative. Tea with valerian act as a mild and safe remedy for insomnia.

Peppermint has a range of useful properties. In particular, it tones and improves digestion. At the same time this plant has another very paradoxical effect. It serves as an aphrodisiac, but it relaxes the mind and helps to sleep.

To feel the beneficial effects of these herbs, you can buy in a drugstore finished tincture. Not less effect will have teas and herbal teas, home-cooked bought from the pharmacy herbs.

Do not forget that even the most useful plants may have contraindications and have side effects. Decoctions of herbs can interfere with some synthetic drugs. Therefore, before using consult your doctor.

Tags: grass, herb, herbal medicine