Effective wraps for weight loss

Effective wraps for weight loss
 Sports, restrictions on food, massage - there are many ways to put himself in good shape. But best of all, these methods are combined with each other. And as the fat burning perfectly suited various wraps.
 Body wraps for weight loss is easy to perform at home, you just buy the necessary ingredients. These procedures must be performed regularly, at least three times a week to the effect was evident. Proper compliance with all the conditions will help you in losing weight, but not only. Wraps are also great to clean the skin, will lead from the body excess fluid and toxins. The positive effects of the procedure can be attributed also to speed up the metabolism, improving skin tone, its rejuvenation. Your skin will become more elastic, cellulite will be much less noticeable.

Plus, in pretty much wraps. However, there are contraindications. Procedures are prohibited for pregnant women and those with gynecological diseases, tumors, kidney disease, cardiovascular system, as well as suffering from varicose veins. Wraps are contraindicated with allergies and those who have skin diseases.

So, first of all you need to know what are the procedures. One of the types of procedures for weight loss - seaweed wrap. They are sold in pharmacies dry. For session soak in hot water for two or three tablespoons of seaweed, let it brew mixture thirty minutes. Then apply it to the problem areas of the body and hold for 20 minutes.

Another kind of wraps for weight loss - honey. Mix two or three tablespoons of honey and a few drops of essential oils, citrus better. Heat the mixture in a water bath and put on the body. Conclusion of toxins and fluids contribute extracts of green tea. Grind a few spoonfuls of herbs, add a little water a few drops of orange essential oil. Mix, and the mixture is ready.

Lipolysis very well contribute to caffeine. Make wrap based on coffee. Three tablespoons of ground coffee, dilute with warm milk obtained cream Spread your skin. Good fit and chocolate wrapping. Dissolve 200 grams of dry cocoa 0, 5 liters of water. Stir and let it cool down gruel not to burn yourself.

All recipes wraps are pretty simple to use, but to fulfill them correctly, you need to remember some more secrets. For best effect, try not to eat an hour before the procedure and time - after it. If you really want, you can drink a glass of water. Skin better prepare for the session in advance - rasparte it under hot water, massage it a special sponge.

Mass to wrap applied to the body in a circular motion like a normal cosmetic lotion. After the entire mixture is applied, body wrap with cling film. Try not to over-tighten the skin, so as not to impede the circulation of blood. After that, relax for an hour, watch a movie or read a book. After the procedure, rinse thoroughly and apply a remedy to the body moisturizer. Spend wraps a day for a month, take a break between courses for a couple of months. If you're going to do it right, you will notice a positive effect in a couple of procedures.

Tags: domestic, condition, weight loss, treatment, wrapping