Dry carbonic bath beautiful body

Dry carbonic bath beautiful body
 Already in the eighteenth century, doctors sent their patients to Kislovodsk for the treatment of carbon dioxide, knowing that he can have almost miraculous effect on the body without any side effects.

Today, scientists have thoroughly studied the effect of carbon dioxide on the human body. In the human body the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the tissues based on the principle of barter. A healthy body gives out its tissue carbon dioxide and receives oxygen from the bloodstream passeth all over the body. If, however, due to various diseases in tissues is insufficient carbon dioxide, then oxygen can not be metabolized in the proper amount. This leads to the development of hypoxia and the deterioration of the general condition. Is designed to prevent and dry carbon dioxide baths.

Carbon dioxide bath is a special chamber in which the patient sits up, and his body is processed jets of heated humidified carbon dioxide. The required gas concentration produces a therapeutic effect: expanding the capillaries and restores the desired amount of carbon dioxide in arterial and venous blood. Dry bath called such because the procedure is carried out without the participation of water.

Indications for this procedure are often skin problems: psoriasis, eczema, various types of dermatitis, because carbon dioxide acts also as an antiseptic. Also, it is often used to deal with a purely masculine diseases. In addition, dry carbonic bath is useful and people who have had heart attacks or strokes, as strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and helps to rehabilitate the body. The advantage of this method is in the fact that it has almost no side effects, unlike pharmacological therapy, and it can be administered, even elderly people and those with impaired health. There is a general increase in vitality, improved sleep, removal of depressive disorders and neurotic states.

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