Chocolate mask for hands

Chocolate mask for hands
 The most fashionable and exquisite manicure will look only at the manicured hands, with a smooth and silky skin. Ingredients for skin care hands a lot, but chocolate is universal - it exfoliates, softens, nourishes and saturates the skin, stimulates circulation.
 To accelerate the metabolism and to make the skin soft hand should make the composition of cocoa powder, the same amount of milk powder, water and honey. Winter in this mask, you can add oil or butter, fat sour cream and a drop of essential oil - a fragrant, healthy part of the hand is ready. Keep the mask for hands better than at least half an hour - during which time the skin gets the necessary nutrition, smooths wrinkles, dryness disappears.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-aging mask for irritable and prone to dry skin hands. Mix the avocado pulp with cocoa powder, add the olive oil and a little water to get the right consistency mass - thick pasty mixture. Leave the mask on the skin for 30 minutes, then wash hands with warm water.

If you mix coffee grounds with cocoa powder, add a spoonful of honey and a pinch of coarse sea salt or table, you get a great mask scrub. Apply it on the skin, a good massage fingers and hands, and then let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse your hands with cool water and brush nourishing cream.

Dry and cracked skin of the hands can be recovered using chocolate mask with the addition of essential oil of ylang-ylang. Dilute with warm water cocoa powder, pour a lot of little vegetable oil, then place a large part of the ether.

Chocolate mask for hands instant action gives a stunning effect - your skin looks refreshed and rejuvenated. Take yogurt without fruits, mix it with dry cocoa powder and spoon melted honey - hold the weight on the outside and wash hands. Instead, you can use yogurt crushed corn flakes and leave the mask as a compress for the night, wearing a thick cotton gloves. In the morning, your skin will be perfectly soft, moisturized and smooth.

As the main ingredient can be used not only cocoa powder. Bitter dark chocolate is more effective and they can be replaced with cocoa. Several pieces have to melt in a water bath and subsequently add the other components - warm milk, sour cream, vegetable and essential oils.

Tags: hand, mask, care