SPA-capsule - a design that combines a set of procedures aimed at the restoration and rejuvenation of the body, the fight against excess weight and cellulite, remove the tension. SPA - a fusion of all four elements, aimed at restoring the harmony of body and soul.
The dimensions of the capsule depends on a set of procedures for which it is designed. SPA-capsule design is an oval cabin dome which is transparent, its length as a man, and she stands on a high pedestal. The patient is placed in a capsule to a predetermined amount of time. Set of procedures and time to pass is determined based on the diagnosis of the patient and his specific wishes regarding the SPA-procedures.
The most common set of features SPA-capsule are oxygen, water and infrared treatments. Oxygen treatments are carried out by oksitermii, ie high temperature air affects the body of the patient. Rejuvenates the skin, the cells are updated, improves metabolism and blood flow.
Water treatments in SPA-capsule presented hydromassage. A jet or stream of water affects the patient's body, improving blood circulation and normaliziruya pressure. Infrared procedures are carried out in order to infiltrate "heat and light" in the depths of the human body. The work of all the important tissues and organs is activated, improves overall health and well-being.
Additional procedures in the SPA-capsules are considered herbal medicine, aromatherapy, mud treatment, dry heat, massage using oil or gel.
Thus, SPA-capsule - it's not just a cosmetic procedure that improves the look and feel, but also a whole range of effects on the body at the tissue and cellular levels. This is not just a temporary blurring of external defects and improvement and rejuvenation of the body from the inside.