Stimulating active points on the feet, massage therapist normalizes energy supply of each of the reflex zones, and thus stimulates the nervous system and distributes energy throughout the body, normalizing the function of internal organs. Certain areas on the surface of the skin of the feet are massaged, and thus, relieve tension and painful areas during a massage relieves pain amplify the body's defenses.
At the heart of the reflex foot massage is a classical Chinese acupuncture, based on the inseparable connection between the points on the surface of the skin and internal organs, which are formed due to the reflex zones, acupuncture called meridians.
On the feet reflects the general state of internal organs - at the time Fitzgerald scholar who studied reflexology massage and its effect on humans, revealed the ten longitudinal zones of internal organs and three transverse zones. According to his research, each zone has its own energy field associated with certain internal organs, and the masseur by clicking on certain areas of the foot, not only can cure any disease, but also to diagnose the condition of internal organs, tracking his spontaneous reaction to the massaging and palpable movement.
If in any area with a foot massage feels pain or discomfort occur, it means that the work of the relevant body broken. If the massage was found a sore spot, it should be massaged more thoroughly and gently, improving blood circulation under the skin and reducing pain.
To enhance the effect of the reflex massage can be applied during special ointments and creams based on herbs and other substances, and act on the active points by means of heat or cold - for example, the foot massage ice and applying them to the gel pad.