Advance a small caveat: not enough just to massage yourself, you must at the same time to introduce restrictions on flour and fatty foods. Before massage courses conducted measurements of waist and hips, to have an extra incentive and see the results. You can also find jeans that barely fastened at the waist, and a month later to try again to try them.
Massages on an empty stomach, standing in front of a mirror. Before the procedure, take a hot bath - it will heat the deeper layers of the skin, and massage will act better. Taking a bath, mash palms fat in problem areas. After the bath towel dry skin, apply a little vegetable oil or anti-cellulite gel on the waist and abdomen, let soak. A massage - from 15 to 30 minutes.
1 Zone. Thumb and forefinger of both hands grip the skin of the abdomen and knead her Pinch. Movements should knead the area around the navel. The right hand moves clockwise, and the left - counterclockwise. Needs to be done about 10-15 approaches.
2 Zone. Next, go to the path along the press line. Exciting Pinch the skin on the sides and move toward the center from both sides along this line. Starts moving below the navel, gradually moving to the bottom of the ribs up. Then also move back - 10-15 times.
3 Zone. On both sides at the same time exercise the lateral abdomen. Pinch start to knead the lower part of the waist, gradually moving up the sides, and then go down. Make 20 approaches.
After completion of the procedure for one hour refrain from eating.
To achieve the effect of massage should be sufficiently strong and active, almost on the threshold of pain, but do not harass a black and blue. Within a month the waist can be reduced by 5-6 inches, subject to massage techniques.