Speaking about the beneficial properties of hydro procedures can identify general, preventive and special.
Properties common action - a recovery of the skin and enrich it with oxygen, stimulate blood circulation, relieve stress and increase muscle tone.
Preventive properties include: accelerating metabolic processes, training vessels helps prevent varicose veins, anti-aging (premature).
The special properties of massage include pain relief caused by arthritis and rheumatism, the treatment of obesity and cellulite, stimulation of healing of injuries, as well as the fight against intestinal problems.
The easiest is considered hydro jet, it pressurized air injection nozzles provided. It is used most often in those basins in which it is impossible to build a modern equipment allows us to provide more sophisticated hydro.
Whirlpool vortex is carried out only in the bathroom having a special form. It is a water circulation around the patient and pumped injectors.
Vibrating massage affects the body by various vibrations, it is the best massage for the muscles. He practiced primarily for insomnia, stress and depression.
Hydro is used to restore the mental capacity, strengthen the nervous system and restore normal pressure. It is also used in sports practice to relieve fatigue, recovery and warm-swimmers to race.
Hydro positively affects not only the body but also on his emotional state. He quickly relieves stress and, of course, improves mood. In carrying out the procedures of hydromassage water may be added in a variety of therapeutic and tonicity agents (for example mineral water, medicinal substances, salts, etc.).
It must be remembered that, despite the useful properties, hydro has contraindications. Do not forget about the limitations: the time of the procedure, whirlpool should not exceed 20 minutes, the water temperature should not exceed 38 C. Receive Mode baths people with heart conditions should be consistent with the attending physician.