Exercises to get rid of red blood vessels under the eyes and nose
1. Type in your mouth air and move it inside an enclosed cavity, thereby massaging the lips and cheeks from the inside. Continue the exercise for 15 seconds.
2. Close your eyes and squeeze the eyelids, and then abruptly open and prischurte. Repeat several times, sharply and widely open your eyes and hold them in this position for 10 seconds.
3. Wrinkle nose. Squeeze the muscles of the face so that the corners of the eyes slightly lowered. Yes, it is quite difficult, but it comes with experience. By the way, this exercise more and smoothes the "crow's feet" around the eyes.
4. Completing the set of exercises is necessary to "pose a lion" - rapidly and widely open mouth, his tongue out as far as possible, and say, "Ah-ah." This is an excellent exercise not only for the whole person, but also to the larynx.
It is necessary to measure at least six sets of each exercise. After completion of the facial gymnastics proceed to herbal medicine. The most effective and affordable masks against red blood vessels on the face to help you more quickly achieve the desired results.
Potato mask: it is necessary to clean the raw potato and cut it into thin slices. Then apply on clean face for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water. This procedure whitens and softens the skin.
The mask of milk with strawberries: Mix 50 ml of milk and strawberry juice. Dampen a cotton pad and apply the resulting liquid after using the previous exercises on problem areas of the face, covering the top with a towel. After removing the mask, pat face with a towel and grease moisturizing cream.
Lotion of mineral water with lemon juice: Mix lemon juice and mineral water in a ratio of 1: 1, and wipe face after gymnastics. Do not need to wash off.
Usually, more or less tangible results should not be expected before 1-2 months of daily sessions. But when you will achieve your, do not dispose of their classes and repeat 1-2 times a week to keep in shape.