Hippocrates recommended to use for each part of the body at specific oil. For example, breast massage was carried out with palm oil, neck - with oil of thyme, a hand was taken extract of mint. Even then opened a medical properties of oils to restore and refresh aging skin.
Contraindications to massage almost no other than the presence of cancer and skin diseases. Owners of dry skin massage with aromatic oils can be done almost daily, as it helps to moisturize the epidermis. Those who have oily skin, only one massage per week.
For therapeutic purposes, oil massage is recommended to take courses from five to ten treatments. It helps make the skin more supple, reduces the appearance of cellulite and improves overall body tone. Naturally, it should perform professional massage therapist.
But at home pamper themselves independently as is possible. The best thing to do oil massage in the bath when the pores are open and absorb nutrients much more active.
To make Greek massage, you need a little warm up any existing home vegetable oil. Each of the varieties has its own properties and good in their own way, but they are rich in vitamin E, preserving youthful skin. To the basic composition may be added a few drops of essential oils, which are selected depending on the type of skin and the desired result. After that, it remains only to put oil on the part of the body and rub it gently, rubbing movement. The duration of the massage should not be less than five minutes for each part of the body, otherwise the skin just does not have time to warm up. At the end of the session oil washed off the skin with ordinary soap or gel.